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Editing A Flight
Noah Bornstein avatar
Written by Noah Bornstein
Updated over a week ago

If you are the flight creator, you can edit an upcoming or in-progress flight.

To edit an upcoming scheduled flight, go to the flight list and click on the scheduled flight and you will be taken directly to edit screen.

To edit a live flight in either Stage 1 or Stage 2, open the flight and click "edit flight" in the top-left corner.

What can I edit?

Flight name

It might be useful to change the name of the flight (ie add a date or version) so you can more easily distinguish between flights with similar names.

Flight description

Flight questions

You can edit or delete existing questions, and add new questions.  Please note that deleting a question will also delete all balloons and comments posted under that question.

Flight participants
You can edit flight participants only if you created a 'Invite by email' flight. To learn more, see Creating A Flight.

Flight timing

Your anonymity as the flight creator

If you originally marked yourself as anonymous, you can change this option to show your name as the author at any point during a scheduled or live flight.

Alternatively, if you originally chose to reveal your identity, you can edit this setting to be anonymous at any point before the flight starts. (If the flight has already started, the email notification with your name as the author has already been sent out to the flight participants.)

Public or private flight metrics and results

If you marked the flight as private, only the flight creator will see the flight metrics and results. You can change this option to show the results to all flight participants at any point during a scheduled or live flight.


You can return to an overview of Balloon, and/or read more about each stage, starting with Stage 1.

If you've completed the Getting Started tutorial and you still have questions, don't hesitate to send us a message!

Also, we have another section with Frequently Answered Questions. Your additional questions might be answered there!

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